
8 Steps to Create Your Financial Plan

December 31, 2023
8 Steps to Create Your Financial Plan

It's a new year, the time when we reflect on the year gone by and set our sights on new beginnings. Whether your New Year's resolution involves saving more money, paying off debt, or gaining financial independence, one thing is clear: having a solid financial plan is key to achieving your goals.

Understanding Financial Plans

What exactly is a financial plan? It's a structured approach to help you achieve your financial goals. This plan outlines your current financial situation and covers essential aspects like investing, saving, retirement, and estate plans.

In simple terms, a financial plan is an organized, long-term strategy with milestones to help you define your success.

Step 1: Define Your Financial Goals

Establishing clear financial goals is fundamental to achieving financial success. You need a clear vision of what you want to accomplish in order to make it a reality.

When setting goals, ensure they are well-defined and prioritized. Aim high but break them down into manageable steps. This prevents overwhelm and allows for easy progress tracking.

Your financial goals can range from paying off student loans and credit card debt to purchasing your first investment property. The key is to identify your priorities.

Assess Your Financial Situation

To effectively set goals, it’s essential to understand your current financial situation. Reflect on your money management habits and consider areas for improvement.

Take a close look at your financial numbers. How much cash can you set aside for investment each month?

Step 2: Establish an Emergency Fund

It ensures you’re prepared to handle unexpected expenses and financial setbacks, preventing you from falling into debt.

Your emergency fund should be able to cover several months’ worth of expenses, providing you with a sense of security. Determine an amount that you’re comfortable with and that will sufficiently support you during unforeseen circumstances.

Step 3: Develop an Investment Strategy

If your goal is to build wealth and create a solid financial plan, investing is key. However, it’s important to approach investments with clear objectives in mind.

Consider the purpose of your investment, the timeframe for when you’ll need the money, and your risk tolerance.

Investing is a long-term commitment, and your money needs time to grow. Ensure you have a basic understanding of the investments you choose. I post daily videos to teach you different investment strategies, check out my curated YouTube playlist, and remember to follow for updates.

Include your investment plans in your monthly budget by allocating a certain percentage of your income towards your investment goals. This helps you stay on track and make progress towards your financial objectives.

Step 4: Get the Right Insurance Plan

After all your hard work in earning money, the last thing you want is an unexpected event to deplete your resources. Insurance serves as a safety net, protecting your assets in case of significant financial burdens.

Ensure you have appropriate coverage, including health insurance, auto insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, home or rental insurance, and business insurance.

Safeguarding valuable assets and protecting yourself and your loved ones financially is crucial. The right insurance coverage can transform a potentially devastating situation into a manageable inconvenience.

Here are two dedicated Wealth Eazy episodes on this topic that you don't want to miss:

  • Episode 10: I use real life scenarios and calculations to show you which insurance plan would work best for you. Watch here.
  • Episode 7: Chris and I discuss the untapped potential of whole life insurance. Watch here.

Step 5: Prepare for Retirement

To achieve the retirement lifestyle you envision, it’s crucial to plan ahead. Determine the amount of money you’ll need for retirement, accounting for inflation, and develop a strategy for saving and investing in advance.

Although retirement may seem distant, it’s never too early to start planning. If this whole concept is new to you and you have no idea where to start, book a 30min consultation with me today.

Step 6: Prepare for Taxes

Yes, taxes can be a hassle, but they’re an unavoidable part of life.

Explore tax-saving investment options and stay informed about relevant tax deductions that can help reduce your tax payments and save you money.

I consolidated the Must Known Numbers for your 2024 Financial Planning here. For you to share with friends and family!

Step 7: Start an Estate Plan

While estate planning may not be a topic many prefer to dwell on, it is of utmost importance. It empowers you to establish clear directives for the distribution of your assets after your passing.

Estate planning entails compiling a comprehensive list of your assets, creating a will, and ensuring it is accessible to those who need it.

Need a simple checklist to start with? Here you go!

Step 8: Regularly Review Your Financial Plan

Once you have your financial plan in place, it’s crucial to review it frequently and make necessary adjustments as circumstances change.

Life is dynamic, and your goals and financial situation may evolve over time. Whether it’s changes in insurance needs, adjustments to your risk tolerance, or significant life events like marriage or having children, staying proactive is key.

Make it a habit to check in on your overall financial plan at least every six months.